// “Defining myself, as opposed to being defined by others, is one of the most difficult challenges I face.” – Carol Moseley-Braun //
You go through the stressful process of getting into medical school and you think you have jumped your biggest hurdle....ha! Well, actually, for some people this may be true - but for most, you have just jumped the first hurdle. After medical school classes, Step 1, Step 2 CK and Step 2 CS, you now have to go through the process of finding a job you love that equally loves you. This process is called - THE MATCH.
The MATCH process is pretty much the Hogwarts Sorting Hat process in real life. There is a science and algorithm behind it...but explaining it and really understanding how it works is kind of mysterious.

How did you make your rank list?
Making your MATCH rank list is a science and requires finesse (Does anyone really understand this science-NO. Does anyone really have all the finesse-NO). I say that because you want the audience to be in your favor, yet you don't have any control over what happens once you submit your list. How the MATCH works is, you first make a list of places that you would like to apply to. You pay to apply to these places and if they like you application, they offer you an interview. So you go and interview and then you go back home and you rank all the places where you interviewed from 1 to whatever number while those places are also simultaneously ranking you out of the people that they have interviewed. You wait for months, the longest and most nerve-wracking months ever, for the Match Day when you determine if your rank matches with the rank of the institutions that you have interviewed. To be honest the process is not very clear, but that is how it's done. And on that special day in March everyone opens up their letters to determine where they will be for the next 3 to 7 years of their life. Now doesn't that sound stressful!!
Why did you chose the Family Medicine specialty? Were you conflicted with any
other specialites?
The MATCH is all about increasing your odds of getting a job! To do this, I applied for multiple specialties. I loved OB/GYN, I liked Pediatrics, and Family Medicine would allow me to do pretty much everything I've ever wanted to do. As a result, I applied to all 3. On that lovely day in March, I had matched to my Number 1 ranked Family Medicine program.

How did you feel when you matched at UAMS?
The MATCH process, to be completely honest, is scary and you wait so long after interviews to find out where you matched that you just are happy you have a job once Match Day rolls around. I applied to OB/GYN, Pediatrics and Family Medicine programs. I have loved Obstetrics since my OB/GYN rotation in 3rd year of medical school, but I also want to have a family and be present in their lives. I can honestly say that I matched where I am meant to be, and I am so happy and grateful to be a resident in my program. Family Medicine will allow me to have continuity of care (which I love) and I can also throw Obstetrics in my practice with a more flexible schedule.