You have completed or are in your final years of high school or college. You have taken your SAT or ACT or MCAT and have your score. You have cultivated your resume--you know what you look like on paper. Now, how do you determine who to give this information to??
I found it beneficial (for college and medical school and residency, actually), to be strategic when deciding where to apply. The interweb is at your fingertips...USE IT! If you know how you look on paper, it makes sense to be proactive and research what the schools you are interested in are looking for. Here are some helpful websites that list the average entry exam scores for college and medical school.
I found it beneficial (for college and medical school and residency, actually), to be strategic when deciding where to apply. The interweb is at your fingertips...USE IT! If you know how you look on paper, it makes sense to be proactive and research what the schools you are interested in are looking for. Here are some helpful websites that list the average entry exam scores for college and medical school.
Where did you go to medical school?
I went to the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock, Arkansas (my hometown) where I received my Medical Doctorate and my Masters of Public Health, concurrently.
Why did you decide to go to the University of Arkansas for medical school?
Have you ever heard of in-state tuition???? If not, look it up. The difference in price for medical schools across the country is absolutely crazy. I just really didn't see any point going to school out of state and paying a lot of extra money when I had a great Medical School in my hometown that was a "reasonable" (heavy on the quotation marks, because paying for education to me is hardly ever reasonable) price. Also, being close to home and having the support of family was a great blessing during Medical School. Medical School is a "breeze" for a small percentage of people; for most, it will be hard work. Having friends and family for support really helped me get through Medical School.
What other medical schools did you consider?
I applied to Howard University, Meharry Medical College and Ohio State University. My "road to getting into Medical School" was a bit different from a lot of other people because I honestly just wasn't planning on applying to Medical School during the time that I did. If you have a foreign parent, specifically a West African parent, you will completely understand how I applied to Medical School at the last minute because I was told to. (HAHA) About 2 weeks before the deadline for Medical School applications, my mother walked into my bedroom and asked me "How are applications going? One of the Doctors I work with said his son already put in his application and has an interview date". My response was "Why, mom? I'm not applying this year! I am planning on applying next year". Her response was "No, YOU ARE APPLYING THIS YEAR"...and that was pretty much the end of that conversation. So I had about 2 weeks to get my application together, get my letters of recommendation from Maine and schedule my interview. Period! I had a lot to do in a little bit of time. So in the end, I applied to the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), Howard University, Meharry Medical College and Ohio State University. I happened to get accepted to you UAMS prior to my interviews at the other Medical Schools, so I canceled my other interviews and was more than happy to stay in Arkansas with in-state tuition.
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